It seems like every day I am asked about purchasing security cameras and NVRs from grey market vendors on Aliexpress, eBay or even Amazon.  Let’s review the risks, how to spot grey market products and how to mitigate the risks if you want to purchase from these sources.

So, it’s obvious why a lot of people are passionate about genuine products – I get that.  I also see the irony of buying a security product with so many risks.  These products are not illegal and can function exactly like the real deal.  But, is it worth the risk?  I cannot answer that for you, but if you are willing to accept the risk you can protect yourself somewhat.

I’ve purchased a lot of cameras over the past 5-6 years from the grey market.  That’s not to say you won’t or I won’t in the future.  I’ve never had any issues but I’ve seen ads which I won’t touch with a 10ft pole.  If you are new to security cameras or not a technical person (who may require technical help) or are not sure what you are buying and may need to return product, I’d totally recommend purchasing through an authorized dealer.  The extra dollars will be worth it.  If you are buying expensive cameras or an NVR, again, the authorized distributor might be your best bet.  These authorized resellers are easy to find by googling the brand name plus your country plus “Authorized Retailer”.  On the other hand, if you are looking at some cheaper $100 camera or if you are comfortable with the products and ok with the risks in savings some money, then the grey market might be right for you.

The grey market has some competition on its hands.  As the cost to build quality cameras decreases, and the demand increases, the are additional companies coming on line with superior products at a better cost.  This gets rid of the grey market risk as these are authorized dealers of their own new products.

I hope you found this information helpful in helping you decide if you should venture into the grey marketplace.  If you have any experiences you want to share on your grey market “deals”, please share them below or contact me on my blog at  If you like this information, let me know by giving the video a thumbs up and subscribing to my channel.